WHO Poll

Barty 4:37 Wed Nov 29
Do you believe in God?
"The writing is on the wall"



Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Northern Sold 2:07 Sat Mar 23
Re: Do you believe in God?
Remember ...There are no atheists in foxholes

The thing is I live in a Bungalow...

* throws dart at photo of Virgin Mary *

Coffee 1:53 Sat Mar 23
Re: Do you believe in God?

Always appreciate your courtesy when you post on here.

norwaytips 12:27 Sat Mar 23
Re: Do you believe in God?
Coffee. It isn’t just a label mate, it’s basic linguistics. You could call every descriptive word a label, but you use them all the time. A pub, a shop, a town, a man, woman, dog, child; the list is enormous.
I don’t believe in any gods and the word for that is atheist, which means not a theist. I have no knowledge of any gods either; and the word for not having that knowledge is agnostic.
That makes me an agnostic atheist.

Mike Oxsaw 3:34 Fri Mar 22
Re: Do you believe in God?
My ghast is truly flabbered at the way "Don't know" has become a completely unacceptable answer to questions over the last 30 years.

That's 30 years so it pre-dates Brexit but has been insidiously innocuous in western society for decades: BBC v ITV? Butter v margarine", Ford v Vauxhall (or Lamborghini v Ferrari if you've got a flimsy ego); many were down to (very) personal tastes/opinions, but they now seem to be used as a weapon of derision if you don't 100% plump for the side the questioner holds dear to his/her/their heart.

YOU believe in god - any god? Fine, fill yer boots. You don't believe in any god? Equally fine - go buy a new pair of boots with the money you've not put in the collection box each week and fill those.

Why the fuck you need me - or anyone else - to agree with you on what is a personal matter of faith is beyond me.

Coffee 2:53 Fri Mar 22
Re: Do you believe in God?
All just labels, tips old fella. They matter so little.

norwaytips 2:40 Fri Mar 22
Re: Do you believe in God?
Branded. We are all agnostic, since by definition, we cannot investigate, examine, or obtain knowledge of anything supernatural.
We can only investigate that which is natural. Gnosticism is a claim, that cannot be demonstrated.
The question is a simple one: do you believe in a god/deity, who created and controls the universe?
Yes, you are a theist.
No, not sure, don’t know, etc., you are not a theism. Strangely perhaps, we have a word for someone who is nota theist and that word is atheist.

Coffee 2:43 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?

You may struggle if you're hoping to use this thread to recruit all 12.

goose 2:06 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
Church was very busy for mass this morning.
All very nourishing for the soul, even if you don’t believe it’s worth attending.

Although they’re still searching for 12 volunteers to wash feet next week…….

BRANDED 1:36 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
Dr. Marcelo Gleiser

“I think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method. What I mean by that is, what is atheism? It’s a statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in nonbelief. ‘I don’t believe even though I have no evidence for or against, simply I don’t believe.’ Period. It’s a declaration. But in science we don’t really do declarations. We say, ‘Okay, you can have a hypothesis, you have to have some evidence against or for that.’ And so an agnostic would say, look, I have no evidence for God or any kind of god (What god, first of all? The Maori gods, or the Jewish or Christian or Muslim God? Which god is that?) But on the other hand, an agnostic would acknowledge no right to make a final statement about something he or she doesn’t know about.”

BRANDED 12:57 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
and yet, not and get

BRANDED 12:52 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
“Yeah. Our big human brains are wired to look for explanations and comfort rather than confront the fact that our lives are mostly pointless and that really is all there is.”

All the greatest minds have tried to work out anything and everything about our existence and in all the time they have done this no a single one has any idea what consciousness is and get everything we know is through the lens of consciousness.

Hammer and Pickle 11:50 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?

"...confront the fact that our lives are mostly pointless and that really is all there is." in your post is what suggested my intervention. But then your next post cleared that up nicely with a good indication you do have access to plenty of moral resources after all.

Of course, this is what various churches say they offer on the label as well, though the people you meet when you go in are all-too-often not exactly up to speed.

Wils 1:34 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
Willtell 8:26 Sat Mar 16

"There’s really not Wils."

You're right. From where you're sitting there won't be.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:23 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
zebthecat 11:38 Sat Mar 16

'Our big human brains are wired to look for explanations and comfort rather than confront the fact that our lives are mostly pointless and that really is all there is.'

Fuck me! Now we got Kurt Vonnegut Jnr posting.

Leonard Hatred 12:38 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?

Barty 12:15 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
In other news

Volcanic eruption just started in Iceland just now

Can watch it live here if you like


zebthecat 12:06 Sun Mar 17
Re: Do you believe in God?
Hammer and Pickle 11:49 Sat Mar 16

I am extremely grounded thanks Pickle. No idea why you think I am not.
Oddly I think if there is a guide I have sort of followed it is the New Testement teaching of Jesus Christ especially "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I had a project manager years ago who was a lay preacher for a non-conformist Christian sect and we came to the conclusion that we treat life almost identically exccept the fact that I didn't believe that Jesus was the son of God let alone God.

Mike Oxsaw 11:52 Sat Mar 16
Re: Do you believe in God?
I believe the proper question is "Do you NEED to believe in (a) god, and if so, why?".

If you accept that the world/universe at it's fundamental level is random (whether or not you "like it"), then you can probably move on and enjoy a guilt-free life.

Hammer and Pickle 11:49 Sat Mar 16
Re: Do you believe in God?
Reckon you need a bit of grounding zeb.

zebthecat 11:38 Sat Mar 16
Re: Do you believe in God?
BRANDED 7:47 Sat Mar 16

Yeah. Our big human brains are wired to look for explanations and comfort rather than confront the fact that our lives are mostly pointless and that really is all there is.
Religeon fills that gap rather nicely and our tribal nature does the rest.

Hammer and Pickle 10:59 Sat Mar 16
Re: Do you believe in God?
Hush child.

The discus pair have spawned and the eggs may hatch tomorrow or the day after. Both parents are going about their duties in exemplary fashion, fanning and fussing just as God intended.

It’s looking good this time!

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